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Trigger Submission

Fill out the form below to submit a Trigger request, or go to the Payment section to review the pricing or make a payment.


The price for the different jobs is based on the bare minimum hours spent and the cost of data and software. As every request differs, I estimate the amount of work by looking at the number of measurements and participants. A race participant is defined as any athlete who participates in one (team or individual) race and finishes that race; basically a combination of the race_id and ibu_id. Here are some examples:

  • One athlete who races 14 races in the 2021-22 season and 12 in the following season would have 26 race participations;
  • Those combined 26 races had roughly 2,000 race participants in total;
  • Belgium had 4(MR)+2(WSP)+3(MSP)+2(WPU)+1(MPU)+3(MIN)+1(WIN)+2(SMR)+4(MRL) = 22 race participants at the Oberhof World Championship in 2023;
  • There were 758 participants in total in those races;
  • Lisa Hauser had 206 individual “race participations” in her career (Feb. 20, 2023, 211 – 5 DNS/DNF);
  • On average, at the World cup level, a race has 72 participants.

The minimum package costs are:

Min. priceFreeThe FanThe AthleteThe Coach
* increase to be discussed when > 2,000 participants

You can pay through PayPal below with all major credit cards. Or, after I contact you when you submit your Trigger submission, we can discuss other methods of payment. I will send you an invoice at the end of the project.

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