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Learning R – reading books

After I worked with R in the past and starting playing around with R Studio Cloud recently, I thought it would be a good idea to actually read some books about it. And, as this specific book suggested, make some notes and follow examples in a Markdown Notebook, that can be easily published as an html-file.

And low and behold, I can just save that file and upload it here, so that I just need to click once and see the same document. Very cool!

So, one book I read through is Data Visualization, a practical introduction, by Kieran Healy. As with many books in the R-spectrum this one (be it a version that was not the final product) is available for free.


I liked it a lot, as it uses R on a topic I care deeply about (data visualization) and guided me through mostly GGPLOT2 and DPLYR, two packages for data visualization and data cleanup, I wanted to get more familiar with. I highly recommend the book if you share similar interests and want to use R to make some visualizations.